Lost Paradise 1.0.5

Hello everyone,

First of all, did you notice there's no version 1.0.3? Don't ask me what happened to it, I have no clue!

But anyway, today we're talking about version 1.0.5, with the following changelog:

  • If you misjudge your Mist Dash timing, it's possible to end up right in the middle of metal bars or vines. It's not a comfortable position for our protagonist, but luckily you can always dash back to escape. Unless you dash into spikes, then you will be sent back to jail and this time there will be no escape. That's the bug I fixed. Being stuck in the middle of bars is no longer considered a safe position, so if you dash back out but fall to your doom, you will respawn at a earlier, more appropriate location. (I would like to tackle the general issue once and for all by nudging you out of those bars, but it won't be for this version.)
  • On a brighter note, I improved the reveal of the bosses you fight along the game. They now appear with a little animation and have a couple of lines of dialogue each, meant to characterize them further. It's just a little thing, but it builds some tension before the fight.

And that's about it.

Enjoy! ;)


Lost Paradise (Windows) 13 MB
Version 7 64 days ago

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