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Poor man's SMT. Lucky for you I am a poor man.

To be fair, the budget and manpower for this game is also a poor man's Atlus ;)

I still hope you enjoyed your time!

Mostly, but I have some complaints. First I think you should be able to see the weaknesses/resistances of enemies at all times, not just when selecting a move. Maybe put a little bar above them showing what they're weak/strong against? Maybe even a bestiary.

Second, I think the bosses in Smiley's trials might be too OP. I ground levels in free exploration, and my party members were STILL getting killed in one hit. This basically FORCES you to use taunt + ice shield, and even that doesn't protect against some attacks.

I think it might be possible to win the fight against the Elite SCREW. You should probably check to make sure winning it doesn't break anything.

Also, the chapter skip doesn't seem to be fully functional.

The game crashes when I try to talk to the same NPC a second time. I can't even progress past the christmas party.

There is indeed an issue when you try to talk to Terry or Eric a second time during the party, thank you for reporting it. I just published a new version to fix it.

That being said, it shouldn't prevent you from progressing if you only talk to them once. Did you encounter any other issue?

If I only talk to them once I don't think I can progress.

nvm i figured it out

Thank you for the game!

Estimated playtime of a first paythrough?


At least a couple hours, depending on how fast you read. I implemented the playtime counter too late to time my own playthroughs, but I would estimate it at something between 3 and 5 hours.