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Hello Dreamnoid!

I really liked your game. I got both endings on my r36s handheld.  

I created a patch to translate it to Spanish and posted it on my recent blog (blog).

I should have asked your permission before, I'm doing it now ;-)

(Sorry for my english)


Wow, that's impressive and very flattering! It looks like it must have been a lot of work. I'm curious how you did it. Like, how easy was it to add new accented characters to the font and were you able to change the length of the strings?

I appreciate that you've made it a patch to apply to the official ROM, so I'm cool with it! Is that okay for you if I link to your page here and on my social channels?


Thanks. You can link my blog. You can download the patch there, as well as the files I've been creating and information about the process.

I didn't do any repointing, I replaced many characters in the font that weren't used with Spanish characters and to get more space (moving punctuation marks to the left, joining two characters into one, some texts could be increased by a few characters).

I used Hextractor (from Wave) and a java app created by me to adapt the texts in less time (which I keep changing lol). With this, it's easy for people to be encouraged to translate it into other languages.


"your mother!" --> used 2 times.

"U"nknown item --> U not change.


Nice game.

I have the issue that on my GBA SP (AGS-001) with EZ-Flash Omega  the buttons A and B doesent always trigger the sword or jump action. The most times it work but every 5. button presses or so nothing happens.

This problem seems not happen on the mGBA emulator.

With the No$GBA emulator the sword attack doesent work with the A button at all but talking with people with the A button is working.


Thanks for reporting this issue to me. I'm currently not at home so there's little I can do (including installing No$GBA...), but I still published a new version with what may be a fix. Do you think you could download it and check if the issue's still there? Thanks! (And no problem if you can't, I may still get one day at home before the end of the jam to check it out myself.)


The new version fixed the issue on my GBA SP and No$GBA emulator.


Great! I'm really glad it fixed the issue, considering how painful creating this patch from my phone was, haha. Thanks a lot for the assistance, I really appreciate it! ;)

Praise the Sun! \(*-*)/
We got a sequel!

Didnt expect it, but now I know why I wont be sleeping this following night :-)

Huh, guess it didn't take me that long.

Great game, the pits were annoying at parts when you get hit by an enemy and the recoil pushes you into a hole, basically resulting in 2 damage taken.

but you get used to handling it.

Great game, got both endings, liked it :-)

Beat the final boss not with the bone sword but the good old lantern.
infinite range weapon, that isnt slow af like the boomerang, is just superior in all circumstances :-)


You made me doubt the build I uploaded, haha. I had to download it again to make sure being pushed into pits don't cost you any extra damage: you do have an invincibility period when you're hit that extends to pits. It's the very last thing I implemented into the game. :p

I'm glad you liked it! I plan to make an extended and improved PC version down the line, so check it out if you were yearning for more ;)